Tuesday 30 September 2014

Exploring is fun!

Jessica uses her finger to move the eyes around the gel. She takes her time pushing them different ways.
             This is good fun!!

Lewis presses on the shaving foam watching as his fingers leave marks. He squashes the foam with the whole of his hand pressing down hard.  

Tayla & Kady explore the dried oats. They use the scoops & spoons to fill up the different tubs.

Little Kickers with Coach Brian

Summer, Tayla & Nathan sit & listen as Coach Brian explains the game.
They match the correct colour cones together.

Nathan enjoys running & jumping over the different equipment placed out on the floor.

Summer runs & kicks the ball into the net to score a goal. Well done Summer!

Playing in the Big School Playground

The children have lots of fun running back & forwards. "Ready, steady go!" shouts Mark & Nathan each time they set off to run.

Logan stands on the footprints printed on the floor. He jumps across to the face in the middle 
of the big circle. He does this several times.

Tayla uses her finger to move over each letter.

Lewis, Deacon & Jasmine follow Louise walking on the blue marks printed on the floor. 
They balance carefully so they don't fall off.

             Jasmine & Deacon sit down for a rest after a busy morning playing outdoors.

The children find the different shapes on the floor. "It's a heart," Jasmine says as she shows Louise.

Friday 26 September 2014

Busy day in the garden

William rolls the truck back & forwards over the sand making marks with the wheels. "Big wheels" he tells his friends.

Logan holds the ball at the top of the drainpipe. "1,2,3,4 go!" he shouts letting go.

Lexi has lots of fun using the bucket & spade in the sand tray.