This morning some of the children have been busy using the maths station in the garden, practising counting and using lots of maths language such as "more" and " a lot"
Crystal enjoyed counting the small coloured gems, she emptied them out of the tin then counted them putting them back into the tin one by one " I got 6 " said Crystal.
Hollie positioned large and small coloured gems on the circular log, she pointed to them saying " 1 eye and 1 nose "
Luke decided he was going to match coloured gems to the spots on the circular log. As Luke placed the coloured gems down he counted randomly " 6,7,5"
Lacey placed the coloured gems onto the spots, adult supported Lacey to count how many she had. As the adult pointed to each gem Lacey counted them. " 6" said Lacey.
Martin and Luke each had a tin of gems. Martin said " I've got more" Hayley suggested that Luke and Martin both count how many they each had. Hayley helped Martin count he had 6 and helped Luke count that he also had 6. Luke added " we got six" Hayley praised Martin and Luke saying that they both had the same number.
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