Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Ten Little Pirates January 2016

We helped Amanda to make a Pirate Ship for the Reading Area. We made 10 pirates to go on the ship from the story.

Jacob & Chloe dressed up as a Pirate & enjoyed using the props.

Ellie made a Pirate for the display

This is the Pirate Story we have been reading at story time. We all enjoy shouting "arrrrrrr!" & we also joined in saying the other words "zap" "chomp" "whoooooosh" "boom" etc

We are reading the Dinosaur book next.......

........ & then maybe we could read the Princess Story. We enjoy the number books & this helps with our counting skills.

Don't forget you can help you child with there numbers at home. Counting as you go upstairs or as your building with blocks. You can also look for numbers on your way to nursery, on doors or buses etc.

Role Play. January 2016

The children enjoyed playing in the home corner. We used dried pasta, raisins & cereal for the children to explore when playing. 
They enjoyed feeding the baby, using the food for filling & emptying & cooking with it. 

Khloe made some food for her baby.

Noah cooked the food in the oven.

Noah gave the baby some dinner.

Amelia was able to put her own apron on to pretend to do the cooking.

Little Kickers January 2016

A new group of children were chosen for the Little Kickers Session with Coach Brian.

Summer, Scarlett, Lio, Kailee, Blake & Khloe enjoyed all the different activities.

They all helped to tidy the mess Coach Brian had made with the cones.

They sorted them onto the correct colours.

They all attempted to balance putting one foot at a time on the ball.

They pretended the ball was a steering wheel & drove around the garden with Coach Brian.

They all enjoyed kicking the balls around the garden.

They also helped to tidy them all away into the bag.

They went on an adventure........

.........And enjoyed scoring lots of goals.

We all had lots of fun at Little Kickers!!!!