Friday, 8 May 2015

Sensory Room

The children had fun exploring in the Sensory Room.

Eva, Maisie & Tayla enjoyed jumping in the ball pit 

They enjoyed watching the bubble machine & saying the colours as it changed.

Logan enjoyed putting the balls down the tube.

Wet Wednesday

On Wednesday it rained all morning so in the afternoon the children wore the waterproofs & wellies to play in the big school playground. They had lots of fun jumping in all the puddles!!

The children also enjoyed looking at the numbers, shapes & patterns around the playground.

Star of the Week. Week beginning 5/5/15

Star of the Week

Kady was Red Group's Star of the Week. Well done Kady!!

Mark was Blue Group's Star of the Week. Well done Mark!!

Nathan was Yellow Group's Star of the Week. Well done Nathan!!

Star of the Week. Week beginning 27/4/15

Star of the Week.

Heidi was Red Group's Star of the Week. Well done Heidi!!

Grace was Blue Group's Star of the Week. Well done Grace!!

Star of the Week. Week beginning 20/4/2015

Star of the Week

Tayla was Red Group's Star of the Week. Well done Tayla!!

Dawood was Blue Group's Star of the Week. Well done Dawood!!

Star of the Week. Week beginning 13/4/2015

Star of the Week

Lexi was Green Group's Star of the Week. Well done Lexi!!

Jacob was Red Group's Star of the Week. Well done Jacob!!

Lucy was Blue Group's Star of the Week. Well done Lucy!!

Oscar was Yellow Group's Star of he Week. Well done Oscar!!