Friday, 30 January 2015

Visit to the Train Station

On Tuesday morning the children enjoyed going to visit the Train Station near the Pleasure Beach with Louise & Amy.

The children sat in the turtle bus part way up the bridge waiting for the train to go under.

The children watched & were excited when they saw the train.

We waited for the train to come back again.

As it got closer the children waved & the train driver beeped its horn. The children were very excited!

We now have made our Role Play area into a Train Station. 
More pictures of this to follow next week.

Star of the Week

Star of the Week

Isaac was Green Group's Star of the Week. Well done Isaac!

Dylan was Red Group's Star of the Week. Well done Dylan!

Wareesha was Yellow Group's Star of the Week. Well done Wareesha!

Elliott was Blue Group's Star of the Week. Well done Elliott!

Friday, 23 January 2015

Star of the Week

Star of the Week

Tayla was Green Group's Star of the Week. Well done Tayla!

Ollie was Red Group's Star of the Week. Well done Ollie!

Corey was Yellow Group's Star of the Week. Well done Corey!

Tulisa was Blue Group's Star of the Week. Well done Tulisa!

Friday, 16 January 2015

5 Cheeky Monkey's Jumping on the Bed

This week the children in the 2-3room have been learning the rhyme '5 Cheeky Monkey's Jumping on the Bed'.
The children have been joining in at group time singing the song.

We used the masks & Sienna, Eva, Isaac, Nathan & Heidi enjoyed being a monkey.

The children played independently with the props.
Sienna lined all the monkeys up.

Tulisa recited numbers as she put the monkeys in a line.

Tayla enjoyed using the monkey hand puppet best.

There are lots of opportunities at home & around the community to use numbers with your child. Counting as you walk up the stairs or getting them to help in the supermarket collecting a variety of items. 

Star of the Week. Week beginning 12th January

Star of the Week

Maisie was Green Group's Star of the Week. Well done Maisie!

Alfie was Yellow Group's Star of the Week. Well done Alfie!

Lucy was Blue Group's Star of the Week. Well done Lucy!

Katie was Red Group's Star of the Week. Well done Katie!

Star of the Week. Week beginning 5th January

 Star of the Week!

Deacon was Green Group's Star of the Week. Well done Deacon!

Oscar was Yellow Group's Star of the Week. Well done Oscar!

Dawood was Blue Group's Star of the Week. Well done Dawood!

Friday, 9 January 2015

Play dough!

The children enjoyed using the red & blue play dough to create their own models.

Deacon chose eyes & pom  poms to create his model. He was very proud of his achievement!

Liam asked to use the blue play dough. "I want to make a spider" he said. He chose some pom poms to put on then said "I need lots of straws". He pressed them all into the play dough. 

Isaac enjoyed squashing the play dough in his hands. He then pressed it down onto the table. When it was flat he used the lid from the play dough tub to press onto the play dough to make circular marks.

Jessica chose lots of straws & pipe cleaners to press into the play dough. She then added some pom poms & gems.